osborne Village BIZ background

Developed in 2003, the role of the Osborne Village BIZ is to promote the Osborne Village business district and enhance the neighbourhood experience through marketing, beautification, placemaking and events to bring people together.

The Osborne Village BIZ is governed by a board of directors comprised of member businesses and a city council appointee whom oversee the operations of The Osborne Village BIZ.

The Osborne Village BIZ represents all retail, commercial and professional business and is funded by a City of Winnipeg levy to hire staff, develop programs and promote the area.

Osborne Village Business Improvement Zone boundary map.

our Misson

To support, beautify, improve and maintain Osborne Village as a desirable and vibrant business district where people are drawn to live, work, shop and play 365 days a year

Osborne Village

Blueprint 2023